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It’s back to school time! Do you know if you have the right Internet speed to start the new school year? As kids return to school, the need to incorporate Internet becomes greater.  As we continue to incorporate wireless devices into our everyday life at home, each time we connect one of these devices it uses bandwidth. You may wonder what does bandwidth even mean? When we say bandwidth, we are referring to the capacity and speed at which a

network can transmit data. This simply means that the more devices you have connecting to the Internet

the more bandwidth you are using to send data and therefore slowing down the process. We understand

this can be tricky to understand so below we have a link here that breaks down Internet speeds, number of users, and type of activity you are using the Internet for to help with determining if you have the right speed. To find out your current speed, go to where you can do a Speedtest to see what you are connecting at.

Speaking of kids returning to school, this article will help with packing your child’s lunch! Are you running out

of ideas on what to pack? Check out this article from Food Network that gives you 10 ideas that are clever and make


lunch easier.  Just one example they list is doing a theme for lunch, making each day something different and something to look forward to.

To help you get organized for school, check out this article from HGTV that gives you 25 Back-to-School Organizational tips. From creating a homework station, to a Document case, to organizing all your assignments, you

are sure to find a tip that you can use this school year to get more organized!