Unlimited Calling
Calling Features
Reliable Access to Emergency Services
Phone Service

LHTC Broadband Local+ Unlimited Phone
Enter your address in the bar above to see pricing in your area.
- Unlimited Calling – Anytime, Anywhere
- Includes:
- Local Phone Service
- Unlimited Long Distance*
- Call Waiting
- Deluxe Caller ID
- Voicemail
- Call Forwarding
- Speed Calling
- 3-Way Calling
Offers do not include any service fees, applicable taxes or franchise fees. These plans are available to residential customers only. Unlimited long distance applies to the domestic United States, Alaska and Hawaii. Other restrictions may apply. Not all services available in all areas.
LHTC Broadband offers a government assistance program to help make communications services more affordable for eligible low-income residential customers. This federal program is called Lifeline, and it lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service. Eligible customers will receive a monthly credit toward their bill.
How to Qualify for Lifeline:
To see if you qualify, visit www.checklifeline.org or stop by your local LHTC Broadband office. You are only allowed to get one Lifeline benefit per household, not per person. If you qualify, your household can get one Lifeline benefit for phone or Internet service, but not both. Your household cannot get Lifeline from more than one company. Lifeline is non-transferrable to another person or household.